Collection efficiency electric water boiler ESP up to about 99%, handling a large amount of gas, flue gas flow rate is low, low resistance, low running costs.
Electric water boiler electrostatic precipitator dust from pole, corona electrode, rapping device, air distribution system, housing and ash devices and other components, the working process can be divided into ESP charged dust collecting dust grains , remove the dusts collected in three stages.
The electric water boiler plate and needle plate electrodes placed opposite, and make high-voltage direct current voltage side of the needle plate, when the electric field strength over free when in the vicinity of the electrode tip is sharp spark discharge occurs, this time near the tip of the needle electrode gas is ionized gas corona manipulation plate is precipitator corona discharge generating electrode, which includes a corona wire, corona frame, frame insulation tube and the support boom. So its effect corona discharge requirements, high mechanical strength, but also the corona wire as small as possible, fouling Corona fall line-up to be easy, easy installation and maintenance.
The electric water boiler plate and needle plate electrodes placed opposite, and make high-voltage direct current voltage side of the needle plate, when the electric field strength over free when in the vicinity of the electrode tip is sharp spark discharge occurs, this time near the tip of the needle electrode gas is ionized gas corona manipulation plate is precipitator corona discharge generating electrode, which includes a corona wire, corona frame, frame insulation tube and the support boom. So its effect corona discharge requirements, high mechanical strength, but also the corona wire as small as possible, fouling Corona fall line-up to be easy, easy installation and maintenance.