Steam in the steam boiler system, the steam from the boiler to the out point of use, needs to be distributed through the steam distribution system of the steam. Steam distribution system is a source of steam and steam equipment components necessary to connect the steam boiler system.
In the allocation process steam, the need to obtain a high quality steam steam equipment, in addition to its own steam boiler steam quality control, steam distribution system is also key. Arising out of steam boiler steam to the steam delivery device with steam through the steam pipe network. Generally, there are a plurality of steam or a steam pipe to the steam delivery point, steam pipes may be generated in the conveying branch of the way, and then transported to the point of steam through the branch pipe.
In the steam boiler is up and transported from the pipe to the point when the steam must be "warm tube" in the steam distribution system, in the start-up phase, the condensation rate is generally relatively large, there is a certain "condensing load", will produce condensation water. During the operation, due to the heat of steam pipes, will have a "run load" condensation. In order to maintain the steam supply, steam boilers must produce more and make more water vapor, and timely discharge of condensate, in order to ensure a continuous supply of quality guarantee and steam vapor.