要使一个锅炉热效果高,不仅锅炉质量要好,安装也很关键。首先锅炉座地平面与暖气片底部高差不应小于200毫米,因为差度越大供热效果越好;而且在安装时应尽量缩短管线长度,减少拐弯。 质量过关、科技含量较高的燃煤采暖炉价格比较高,质量差的产品则使用一个采暖季后,锅炉会逐渐出现钢板生锈,炉胆烧毁等现象,比品牌产品使用寿命短4-5年时间。因此,在购买采暖炉产品时,一定要把好安全质量关。
Expansion tank should maintain a certain water level, water can not achieve sufficient heating and water phenomenon occurs when water heating stew Do not open the lid, otherwise seriously affected in addition to heating the outer lid will burn.
Prevent moisture corrosion of boiler can be soot furnace slag and chimney pipes inside the drawer under the bucket thoroughly cleaned in order to maintain the furnace dry, you can put some lime to absorb moisture in the furnace.
To periodically clean the furnace tube site and chimney soot, otherwise it will seriously affect the heating capacity of the boiler, the number of the furnace ash is an important factor affecting firepower when needed firepower Wang, to promptly clean up the ash.
To add cooking ahead of coal and coal-filled, piping interfaces to timely repair leaking valve replacement.