
The main measures to improve the efficiency of the steam boiler thermodynamic cycle is the main steam pressure, main steam temperature, reheat steam temperature is maintained at a predetermined value back into normal thermal efficiency, water temperature at the design value, such as efforts to reduce the back pressure steam turbine.  
Efficiency of steam boilers, steam boilers to reduce exhaust gas temperature, boiler leakage rate, ash content of combustible, good milling system boiler combustion adjustment test, developed to run a variety of operating conditions of the card, as the operating basis of operating personnel. According to the provisions of soot blowing and clear focus of work to do, to do the work of the boiler plugging the wind, keep the boiler running in good condition.  
Strengthening fuel management, strict measurement, strict control of coal into the plant, allowing the coal from the designed value is within the limit value, especially for volatile coal, ash, sulfur, strict supervision coking characteristics, the boiler can run under good conditions.  
Improve equipment management level, efforts to reduce internal and external leakage of thermal equipment and systems, reducing the working fluid and heat loss.  
Improve auxiliary operation of the economy, reduce the loss of auxiliary equipment, making it possible to run in the high zone. By testing to determine its associated auxiliary systems in different operating conditions and reasonable operation mode, efforts to reduce the power consumption rate.  
Chemical strict supervision of boiler operation, strict control of condensation of water hardness, water dissolved oxygen, water PH value and the pot of water, steam quality, prevent heating surface boiler, condenser, heater and steam turbine flow passage corrosion, fouling and deterioration caused by salt accumulation boiler equipment operating conditions.  
Improve the level of automation of steam boiler operation by automatically controlling the operating parameters of the boiler so that the value in maintaining required.  
To take measures to conserve water and electricity, such as recycled water to maintain a reasonable concentration ratio, improved ash gray water recycling and waste comprehensive utilization ratio. 
Strengthening the measurement work running the boiler operation indicators to make quantitative analysis, to provide a reliable basis for the economic operation of steam boilers.  
To give full play to the role of the thermal power plant laboratory, in addition to regular operation of steam boilers are tested and adjusted, but also conduct special tests and analysis of economic factors affecting the operation of steam boilers.



